Tuesday, November 8, 2016

2016 HolidayElectric Light Parade

The Christmas parade will be held in Downtown Ogden on Saturday, November 26th. The parade starts at 5:30 pm and runs from 22nd and Washington to 26th and Washington. Every entry will be decorated in lights and Ron and Sundance will be lit up with 140 bright red bicycle taillights, 6 emergency LED PowerFlares and 11 real sleigh bells. Sundance will be the brightest Christmas horse in the entire country.  The lights do not hurt his eyes as they shine out away from him.  The lights at Christmas Village will be turned on following the end of the parade and fireworks will light up the sky.


Sunday, September 18, 2016

Ogden Zombie Crawl 2016

Ron and Sundance will be made up to look like zombies during the Ogden Zombie Crawl on Saturday, Oct. 22nd, starting at 6 pm on Historic 25th St.  This year, Sundance's entire face will be made up to look like a zombie horse.  Feel free to approach Sundance for a close up picture and a Halloween trading card.

Harvest Moon Festival

Ron and Sundance will be at the Harvest Moon Festival on Saturday, Sept. 24th on Historic 25th Street.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Pioneer Days Parade

Ron and Sundance will be entry #44 in the Ogden Pioneer Days Parade on Monday, July 25th, starting at 9am. This is the largest Ogden parade of the year with numerous floats, marching bands and of course, horses.

Horse and Hitch Parade

Ron and Cassidy will be entry #18 in the Horse and Hitch Parade on Monday, July 18th, starting at 7pm. Bring your children so they can see the many horses of every color and type during this very popular parade.

Special Kids Rodeo

Ron and Sundance will be at the Special Kids Rodeo at Lorin Farr Park on Tuesday, July 12th, from 5pm to 7pm.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Cassidy at Ogden Farmers Market

I took Cassidy to the Ogden Farmers Market today for his first market ever.  He was great, didn't let anything bother him and gave rides for four hours to all of the children lined up to ride him.  We were both tired when we left for home 
Cassidy or Sundance will be giving free rides to the children at the Ogden Farmer's Market every Saturday from 9 am till 12 noon except August 16th when Cassidy will be at the Roy Farmers Market.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Layton Liberty Days Parade

Cassidy will be performing in the Layton Liberty Days Parade for the first time on Monday, July 4th, starting at 10:30 am. 

Saturday, June 25, 2016


Cassidy is a new backup dancing horse for 24 year old  Sundance and is also a buckskin gelding Quarter Horse but has four dark brown socks instead of four white socks like Sundance.  Cassidy is 16 years old and his registered name is King Pistol Chex and I have owned him since he was a yearling.  He curls his upper lip back when asked which is one thing that Sundance doesn't do and gunshots and loud fireworks don't bother him at all.  Cassidy was in the 2016 South Ogden Days Parade and didn't shy at anything and let all of the children pet him when it was over.  He loves children and loves to be petted and it is going to be fun to see him get better and better at all of the events where I take him.  I plan on making a Cassidy trading card as soon as I get a great picture of him at one of his events.

Farmer's Market Ogden

Ron and Sundance or Ron and his new backup horse, Cassidy, will be at the farmers market every Saturday from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. to give free rides to the children. The market runs from June 25th to Sept. 17th.  Cassidy is also a beautiful buckskin but has four dark socks instead of four white socks like Sundance.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

New Sundance trading cards

New Sundance trading cards #30 and #31 have been received and will be given out this year at events where Sundance is performing.