Tuesday, November 21, 2017

2017 Ogden Holiday Electric Light Parade

Ron and Sundance will be lit up with 140 bright red bicycle tail lights and 6 red and blue LED emergency lights for this years Electric Light Parade which starts at 5:30 pm on Saturday, Nov. 25th. Sundance will also have 11 real sleigh bells to help ring in the Christmas season. The lights at Christmas Village will be turned on at 6:30 pm, after the parade ends and fireworks will light up the sky.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

2017 Ogden Zombie Crawl at Witchstock Festival

Ron and Sundance will be made up as Zombies at this years Ogden Zombie Crawl which takes place on Downtown Historic 25th Street on Saturday, October 28th at 6 pm. The parade of colorful zombies starts at the park at 25th and Grant Ave. and then goes West on 25th to Wall Ave. where the zombies turn around and go back up 25th. Sundance will remain in the area for a couple hours to let parents take pictures of their children with friendly Zombie Sundance while getting a kiss and receive a Sundance Halloween Zombie trading card.


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Ogden's Farmers Market / 2017 Harvest Moon Festival

This Saturday, Sept. 16th, will be the last farmers market for Sundance giving rides to the children in 2017.  Sundance will be at the Harvest Moon Festival in the afternoon of Sept. 23rd on Historic 25th Street. Sundance will be dancing on the street at the festival and his trading cards will be given out to the children as they pet him on his nose and maybe get a kiss from Sundance.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Sundance is back from his medical retirement

Sundance has been receiving joint supplements since June for the arthritis in his front leg. I can now say that the medicine is working and Sundance is no longer is showing any signs of lameness and is back to his normal self. However, he will continue to receive the joint supplements for the rest of his life. I took him to the last two farmers markets in Ogden and he was able to give children horse rides in the park and dance to live music on Historic 25th Street. Sundance will now be able to resume many of the events that he attended before he was retired. Cassidy will also be filling in for Sundance at some events.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

This is Cassidy

Cassidy, who loves to smile for the children, will be appearing at most events in place of Sundance.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Layton City Liberty Days Parade

Ron and Cassidy will be performing in this very popular parade on July 4th, 2017 starting at 10:30 am.

Ogden's Farmers Market

Ron Gardiner and Cassidy will be in the park at 25th and Grant Ave starting Saturday, June 24th, from 09:30 am until 12.00 pm. and throughout the Summer. Sundance latest trading #32, which shows Ron and Sundance at the 2016 Ogden Zombie Crawl will be given out at the market.

Sundance to retire

Sadly, Sundance will no longer be performing at parades, Ogden's Farmers Market and other events due to health concerns. Ron Gardiner and Sundance have been performing together for the past 19 years but Sundance is now 25 years old and his health and comfort is the top priority.  Cassidy, a registered American buckskin Quarter Horse, who loves to smile for the children, will now appear in many events in place of Sundance.


Friday, February 10, 2017

New Sundance trading card #32

   This new card pictures Ron and Sundance with zombie makeup for the 2016 Ogden Zombie Crawl. Ron and Sundance might look scary but they love to have children and their families come up next to them for a fun Halloween picture.